Monday, May 9, 2022


As I was driving on the highway going toward home, I see this fire off in the distance. Now, out here, there isn’t much rain so there are fires. As I continued to look at the cloud of smoke, panic gripped me. It looked close to the house. Now, my depth perception is not good, but I knew in my heart that it was close to the house. It was a gut feeling. I called Ronnie and then sent pictures. He already knew and was on his way home, someone had already called him. It was close to the house, about 5 miles which seems far but not with a fire and the way the wind goes out here. By the time they got the fire out, it was less than 3 miles from the house. That’s scary. All of our animals are fine. There is no damage out here on our property. Thank goodness. 

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