Monday, April 10, 2023

April 10th

It does not rain much in West Texas, but when it does, it comes down hard and fast. It started pouring around 10pm and stopped around 1am. The wind was so bad along with the thunder and lightning. It was quite the storm. I could not sleep. The storm was nerve wracking. Ursula did not like it either. She jumped around all night because of the storm. At least I was awake anyway. 
My first thought this morning was checking on the animals. Willow specifically. The rest of them had all been through a West Texas storm. Willow was fine and so was everyone else. 

So today, I’m tired from not getting much sleep. I’m also dealing with some allergies which I am afraid is turning into a sinus infection. I am not feeling good at all. I am about to take some NyQuil and go to bed. 
Willow is doing well today. She was jumping around like crazy. She is something else. She is such a loving little thing. She has absolutely gorgeous eyes. She is starting to really love human interaction. I mean maybe it’s just me but it makes me happy. 

Takua’s eye is starting to look better. The swelling is going down and I can actually see he has an eye. I’m so grateful. 

Gus is still limping but he is still moving around so hopefully that’s a good sign. 

Sonny let me pet him and did not even peck me today. That might be because I was too fast for him. 

As I came home today, I saw one of my chickens in the road and she had been hit. I mean how much more can I take with these injuries and deaths. It’s so heavy to deal with. I will miss Elvira. She was a creepy looking chicken, but I’m glad she was here. I’m really sad about it. She crossed that road everyday, but for what I do not know. I did move her body off the road and took care of her. I just hate that. 
I have another chicken, Auburn, who lives in the shop. She is not looking too good. I cracked an egg and put it close to where I knew she was hiding. She sure did eat it which is a good sign. I just cannot deal with losing another one. I’m doing the best I can. It doesn’t feel like enough at this point with all this stuff going on but I know it will be okay. 

Jelly was seeking attention today. He followed me all over the place and was rolling around on the ground begging for that attention. Of course I gave him attention. I’m so glad he keeps coming home. I hope he continues to come home. I do not want to see him on the side of the road like I saw Elvira. 

Word of the day is hard times. Joshua 1:9

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