Monday, April 17, 2023

April 16

Today has been another busy day. Normally I try to rest on Sunday but I needed to get more finished today. 
I worked hard on the garden today. I got the holes finished in the hay bales. I put an egg in each hole for the calcium for the plant and then transferred the plant into the hay bales. It’s exciting to get that started. Ronnie helped with all that as well.

I also found some small cactus plants that just started growing and I took them from where they were and put them in pots. I’m hoping to give them to my mom and grandma if I can get them to live. I also started pulling weeds out of that flower bed but I did not get too far with that. 

Ronnie worked more on the pig pen, but it’s not finished. It will get finished though. Maybe next weekend, we shall see. 
Jelly stayed home today. He found him a hiding spot between the hay bales. I thought that was funny. 

I opened my blinds in the bedroom for Ursula. She loved it. She was there most of the day. 

Athena found a good hiding spot in a tumbleweed. I find that hilarious. Whatever works for her. Ronnie had not even seen her. That was even funnier. 

There are still several chickens in the shop. They refuse to leave the shop. I really do not know why. There is a rooster that lives in there also and he torments them just like the other roosters would. 

I made an enemy of May the chicken. She is broody right now and she was sitting on an egg. I took the egg from her and her whole world shattered. I had to pick her up to get her away from that spot. She had been there for days. She let me know her displeasure. I got her out of the pen. She did not stop squawking until I helped her get back in the pen. She was not mad at me after that. I guess she is going to live with Tinkerbelle and Cinderella. 

The cows want to be friends with Willow, or want her food. Even so, Willow is intrigued by the cows and goes right toward them. Noma does not like this. 

Mattie has been begging for attention. It’s annoyingly cute. I sure do love that donkey. I really do. 

I watched from across the field something weird over in the pasture. The goats were play fighting. Lucky was making an awful noise. They were right on top of Cracker Jack’s grave. I do not know what they were doing but Lucky finally stopped making the noise when they walked away from the grave site. It broke my heart a bit. Lucky loved Cracker Jack. The rest of the donkeys acted like they were paying respects before walking away. 

Ned has got the best smile of a donkey. He has been in a mood lately and he seemed to be over it today since he was smiling at me and letting me pet on him. 

Red was acting weird lately also, but him and Pedro had been fighting a lot lately. I wish they would stop that nonsense. It’s awful. 

I sprayed Mattie down with fly spray. He must have learned from Cracker Jack what to do when getting sprayed. He did exactly what Cracker Jack used to do. I got on the ground and started rolling in the dirt. It made me miss Cracker Jack more.

Tinkerbelle is such a sweet girl, but I’m learning from her that being a fainting goat is not for the faint of heart. She has only fainted once or twice since being here, but her joints are awful. She struggles to get up and sometimes it takes her several minutes to move around. My heart hurts for her, but I know she is loved and we will continue to take care of her. 

Word of the day is caring. Psalm 24:1

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