Sunday, April 9, 2023

April 8th

It’s like the dogs know we have other people in the house. They didn’t bark early in the morning. I was shocked. I was the last one up and everyone was already outside, but that was okay. 

Jealous Mattie is such a mess. I do feel bad for him. I do have to warn others about him right now. He grabbed my shirt and got some of my skin also. I know he was begging for attention. I gave him attention. I love him so much and I hate he is having such a hard time. 

The cows put themselves in the open pen and were relaxing in there. I had to laugh about it. For some reason they like it in there. 

Willow is working on her people skills. She is starting to understand that humans are not bad. Noma is not too bothered by other people loving on Willow. That’s a good thing. I still wish she would be friendlier. She did walk right up to me and let me touch her nose, but that was all. I may need to realize that’s the best I am going to get from her. It’s better than nothing. Jodie was able to feed her treats also. 

When Mattie was a baby, his teeth were a big deal. I had no idea how fast the teeth would grow after a donkey was born. I got a good look at Willow’s teeth. They are already growing in. 

I do wonder if all siblings become jealous when another baby is born. I am guessing yes. I had no idea animals were the same way, but it looks like they are. Willow is trying to interact with Mattie, but Noma does not like it. 

Jodie got to get in the pen with Willow and Noma. Noma was fine and Jodie got to love on Willow. I’m glad she got to experience that. Not many people do get to do that. 

Rosie is not scared of anything. She wanted to pet on Mattie and I let her. She is such a cute thing with these animals. 

Laura was able to come out and meet Willow also. Willow was entertaining with her. She did let Laura get attention. Noma also let Laura get about as close as I did. It’s good that Willow is wanting to get interaction. 

We did have a small little Easter egg hunt for Rosie while she was here. That was fun. I’m so glad I got to see them. 

Rosie was obsessed with the cats. She got her hands in Persia and when Persia got tired of it, she slapped Rosie’s hand. I’m glad Persia does not have claws. 

It was a great day spending time with those two. I’m grateful they came down. 

Word of the day is fun. Proverbs 15:13

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