Monday, April 17, 2023

April 17

There was a chance of rain today. We need it so badly. The wind was blowing so hard and fast while I was trying to feed. The wind makes things harder. 

I went to my normal spots for eggs. I stuck my hand in a crate to grab an egg and got a surprise. There was an egg, but the egg just had a thin membrane covering it. There was essentially no shell. It was not a lash egg, I looked that up. This was an egg with no shell. I have never seen anything like it. I threw the egg away. 

I have been happy that Auburn is still alive. I have wondered if her days were numbered. She was eating today and I have not seen her do that in a while. Maybe she is better. 

The wind was so bad, I found 3 of the 4 cats between the hay bales together. They were sweet laying there together. 
I noticed Gus is barely limping now. That makes me happy. I’m so glad he is better. 

I watched little Willow running zoomies around today. It was so cute watching her running in circles. It really made my day. She is precious. 

I found more eggs in a different spot. I could not get to them so Ronnie had to get them. 

I was in such a hurry to get the feeding done, I was running down the fence row to feed Jeb and Jeb starting running with me. Oh it warmed my heart. 

None of the animals liked the wind. Most of them were trying to hide from the wind. I understand that. 

Word of the day is understanding. Proverbs 17:27

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