Saturday, April 1, 2023

April 1

It’s April Fool’s Day. I am happy to report there were no pranks around here, except for thinking Noma was going to have her baby today. She did not, at least so far tonight she has not had the baby. 

The twisted sisters (Ronnie’s nickname for the scary chickens), have taken up residence in the barn during the day. They are laying eggs in there. I do not know why they have split off from their group, but they have except for at night when they roost together. 

All the barn cats were home this morning and I got to see them together. I am always glad to see them together. 

I witnessed a sweet moment with Bubba and Oreo today. Those two were wrapped up together on the couch. Of course, it resulted in a fight after a few minutes. 

Jeb’s nose is looking better today. Ronnie is still putting stuff on  the spot so it will heal completely. 

Interesting thing about Jeb. He used to sling his head all over the place while eating, but since the vet fixed his teeth while he was at the vet, he does not do that anymore. He eats like a gentleman. 

Rena is a hen who stays in the roosting spot most of the time to stay away from the roosters. I saw her out and about today which was nice. It was good to know she still did get off the roost. 

Oh Noma, she is looking miserable. I know she is going into labor soon. She had to. She is getting so big. I feel for her. 

Bill is better, but I’m afraid he may be getting sick again. This weather is tough on them. Hopefully I’m wrong and he was just hot. I know he was running around like crazy yesterday. 

Edith and Suzie Q are giving me eggs most days now which means they are happy girls. I am glad they are happy living in the coop together. 

This was a nice day weather wise. I am grateful for days like today. 

Word of the day is positive thinking. Proverbs 17:22

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