Wednesday, April 12, 2023

April 12th

Well, I’m still sick and had to come home from work. I think I really need to sleep for a week but I know I can’t do that. 
Ronnie was out of town last night and this morning for work, so I got up and went out to feed the animals. It was a beautiful morning. The sunrise was pretty. All the animals were doing fine. 

Gus is still limping and not wanting to put weight on his front right leg. Ronnie said we would move them this weekend into the new pen. That will be good. 

Takua’s eye is so much better. He looks like he is feeling better also. 
I got a rare photo of all four dogs playing nice tonight. It warms my heart. I’m not sure how much longer the four of them are going to be here together. Maggie is declining daily. 

I really thought Auburn was going to pass today but she is still alive. She might even be feeling better, but I’m not sure she is feeling well. 

Willow is starting to eat hay and feed. She is growing fast. Noma is still being such a good momma. I’m proud of her. I know she is exhausted. She tries to get out of the pen when I bring food. Willow is a rambunctious little thing and driving her momma crazy. 

I gave the sheep and goats some extra hay tonight. The sheep shared with Mattie. It was cute to see. 

There is nothing else new today. Ronnie came home and was able to help me finish watering. I was grateful. Hopefully I will be better in the morning, 
Word of the day is beauty from ashes. Isaiah 61:3

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