Sunday, April 2, 2023

April 2nd

Ronnie and I have been on baby watch all day. There is still no baby at this time. Noma has been laying on her side most of the day. I could see the baby kicking when she was laying that way. She has done some rolling around getting the baby in position. Noma has been restless for sure. She has been up and down all day. She has also acted like she was starving. We have fed her more since she has been acting so hungry. I have felt so bad for her. She is so uncomfortable. I’m so glad this will be her last baby. 

Yeller was sick this morning. I am sure it was because he ate something he should not have. He was vomiting a lot. He was better this evening. I’m grateful for that. 

The animals were happy to get their hay this morning. I always laugh at how excited they get. Like we would ever not give them their food. 

The horses have all been together today. That is such a good thing. Jeb had been staying back away from the others, but today was better. 

The cows were relaxing most of the day. They are cows. That is what they do. 

Persia found her a box today and slept in it most of the day. She has always loved boxes. 

It was hot out today. It was 87 degrees out today. Tinkerbelle did not enjoy that and stayed in the shelter most of the day. 
The outside cats all stayed home today. Jelly does not usually do that, so it was a nice change for him. 

One of the chickens finally found Yeller’s hiding spot and decided to lay an egg there. 

I was able to play with the horses today with the water. They love the water. They enjoyed it and I laughed about it because they were so happy. 

The wind was blowing and somehow it was blowing so hard it blew some sheet metal over to the pasture where the horses were. They were all terrified. Ronnie went out to get it and Jeb did not realize what was going on. He s scared of nothing and ran right for Ronnie. Once he realized it was Ronnie, he went back to eating. It was a little scary. 

As Ronnie took the sheet metal through the farm, all the animals were nervous and running around. Ted even got a cut on his nose from something while he was running for his life. 

I went down to check on the pigs. Ronnie had already fed and watered them. However, it was hot outside, so they had already dumped out their water. As we were filling them back up, Darla dumped them out again, let’s say their mud hole is now full. 

There is never a dull moment around here, but all the animals are happy, except maybe Noma right now. 
Word of the day is laughter. Psalm 126:2

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