Monday, April 3, 2023

April 3rd

Today was another warm one. It was 93 today with a blowing wind. 
Noma still has not had that baby. I know she is so close mr I really want to see the baby being born, but at this point, I may not get to see it. I’m clueless when that is going to be. I know it will happen and soon but I really thought it would have already happened. Noma continues to roll round to get the baby in position. She is uncomfortable and you can tell. I did clean out her pen again today. I am ready for her to have that baby and I know she is also. 

This morning, onyx tried to jump into the car with me, twice. She does that to Ronnie often, but she has never done that with me. 

There is nothing else unusual going on around here today. It is going to be a hot summer if these temps continue. 
I went out again to check on Noma. Still no baby. I also wanted to check on Jelly to see if he made it home and he did. 
As I was going through the gate to the pasture, Sonny was on that gate and was not going to move. I picked him up to see if he remembered he used to hang out with me and sit on my shoulder. He did not get on my shoulder, but he did sit on my arm. I sure do love that crazy rooster. 

Sonny was also staring at the dogs like they had lost their minds. That was funny to watch. I’m glad he did not jump down at them. I’m not sure who would win that fight, but it probably would not be him. 

Word of the day is hot. Luke 12:55

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