Saturday, April 22, 2023

April 22

We had a kid out doing community service today. He seems to enjoy being here even though he is having to work. 
The temps were warm this morning but by the time 6 pm rolled around, the temperature had dropped about 15 degrees. The wind was cold. 
Rena was up walking around in the trailer. She is not walking well but she is trying. I added more hay for her in the trailer since it’s supposed to be cold tonight and tomorrow. I will be checking on her tomorrow throughout the day. 

Willow was having a great time with the wind. She was running around that pen all afternoon. She is doing well. 

The donkeys and goats were all over the place today because it was getting cooler. 

The pigs were in a funny mood. I had a kid with me they were not sure about while cleaning the pen this afternoon so they ran around the pen while we were in there cleaning. 

Suzie Q is trying to dig out of the chicken coop which makes me laugh. She will beg to get back in once she is out. I guess it’s something for her to do. 

Sandy, Cracker Jack’s previous owner asked me for pictures of him today. I looked through 4 years of photos and sent her almost 200. I spent some time reminiscing about him all the fun we had. I sure do miss him. 

I’m going to be praying for these guys as the temps fall tonight. It will still be in the 40s so not too bad but I know it’s hard on them when it’s been in the 90s this week. 
Word of the day is asking. Mark 11:24

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