Thursday, April 20, 2023

April 20

After the wild cloud last night, this morning was a dust storm. Those are never fun. 

The donkeys and goats were at the fence like they were telling me goodbye this morning. That made my day. 

I went to check on Rena immediately after getting home. She was still in the same spot, so I got her up and moved her around a bit. She acts like she is trying to use her leg but is unable to. I will start working with her. 

The goats are being funny with laying in their food bowl. I’m not sure what that is about but it makes me laugh. 

Not much went on today. I did start trying to do some therapy with Rena later in the day. She did not appreciate it but she isn’t scared of me anymore. I worked with her and then put her back in the trailer where she is protected. She will probably always need protection now. I’m going to give it some time. Hopefully she will recover. 

Mattie is working on tolerating Willow through the fence and Noma has stopped trying to get in between them. That’s a good thing. Mattie cannot hurt Willow with all the fencing we have up now. At least I’m hopeful about that. 

Willow is showing some personality now. She is just cute. 

I took some selfies with Maggie tonight. Poor girl. She just has not been feeling well lately. 

Word of the day is hopeful. Hebrews 11:1

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