Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 11th

I cannot believe is almost mid way through April. Time is flying by at a rapid pace. It was in the 80s again today with a nice cool breeze. It was a foggy morning though. 

I’m still not feeling well, but I’m better than I was this morning. I had to leave early from work because I felt so terrible. I came home and slept. I guess I needed it. 
The farm is good today. All the animals are doing well. There have been no new injuries and no deaths today. I needed that today. 
Willow is still precious. She is definitely a joy after losing Cracker Jack. I needed her and did not know it. We do not intentionally breed here. Noma went into heat and two donkeys jumped the fence to get to her. She ended up pregnant. The donkeys have been castrated now. Mattie is the last one and he is going to the vet soon. 

I get asked a lot, what do you do with all those donkeys? Nothing. I do nothing with them. They are free to live their life without fear. They know they are safe here and can just live. They have been out in the pasture more lately. 

Today was a good day even though I’m not feeling well. I needed that. 
I did notice some new growth on a tree we thought was dead. Sometimes in our lives we feel like we are not growing in the way we want to, but God has you and knows where he wants you. Do not give up. 

Word of the day is good. 1 Chronicles 16:11

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