Monday, April 10, 2023

April 9th

Happy Easter. I hope you all remember why we celebrate Easter. It’s not the chicks or bunnies or the egg hunt, it’s about Jesus riding from the dead. It’s important to remember that. Every year I talk about the cross on the donkey’s back at Easter. The donkey carried Jesus to Jerusalem and the donkey was blessed with the cross on his back when Jesus died on the cross. All donkeys have a cross on their back. We had a baby donkey born this past week and of course she has a cross on her back. 

Jodie and Rosie left this morning but we were able to spend a little time with them before they left. It’s always good to see them.

Takua is still struggling with an eye injury. Ronnie had been giving him some antibiotics and it is getting a little better, but it’s going to take time to get that healed up. It still looks bad. 

Gus is injured also. No idea what happened to him. He was limping and then he wasn’t and now it’s worse than it was. I cannot see any obvious signs of an injury. He laid down and it was like he was handing me his leg. I rubbed on it but he never jumped or acted like anything hurt. Hopefully one of these days I can move him into the new pen. It’s almost finished but not finished enough to put any pigs over there. Spam is protecting him and she even lunged at me to get away from him. 

I got in the pen to see Willow today. I’m still working with her so she will be friendly like Mattie is. She is doing really well. She did walk right up to me today which is good. She is not scared of me. That’s what we want. 

Noma is still being a good momma and letting Willow nurse whenever she needs to. We are feeding her extra to make sure she has enough milk. She looks worn out but she is doing well. She is protective even through the fence. 

Willow is trying to make friends through the fence, but it’s not working too well. Noma is extra protective. She throws her ears back and gets in between Willow and the cows and Mattie. She didn’t act like that when Mattie was born. Willow is learning new things. She started trying to eat hay and she was playing in the water today. 

I used the water hose to spray Takua, Spots, and Saverine this evening. They sure do love the water. 

Ursula has been clingy lately. Probably because I haven’t been able to spend as much time with her as normal since we have had company. 

Jeb’s nose looks like it’s healed up finally. Now if Takua and Spots would heal up since they both have injuries now. I’m tired of the injuries. 

The horses do not like Mattie. They were fighting and I saw Mattie kick one of them through the fence. 

Bubba has been falling off the back of the couch more. It breaks my heart because I know my time is limited with him. 

There is never a dull moment around here. Things are always an adventure. 

Word of the day is adventure. Jeremiah 33:3

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