Wednesday, April 19, 2023

April 19

This morning was a nice morning, it looked like it could rain, but it did not rain. Why would it? This is West Texas. The temperatures were in the 90s again this afternoon. 

Today was a day full of lessons. Sometimes you know there are lessons involved even though you do not want to admit it. Life is one big lesson. 

I had a knot in my stomach when I rounded the last corner to go home. I had no idea why, I just knew something was wrong. When I got home, nothing was out of place and I couldn’t figure out why I had that knot. I let the dogs out and for once I was glad the dogs did not cooperate. Pepper went into the back yard. Something out of the ordinary caught my eye. I saw a cat under the porch. It looked like Athena. As I got closer, I saw, it was not Athena. It was Persia. Somehow she had escaped the house this morning and neither Ronnie nor I noticed she was not where she was supposed to be. I’m grateful she did not run off. When she saw me she started crying but was too terrified to move. I grabbed her and took her in the house. She is fine now but she is hiding. I bet she does not do that again. She was out alone for the first time in thirteen years. I’m so glad she stayed close to the house. The lesson here is to always trust your gut. 

I also had been missing a chicken, Rena. She is my chicken missing a toe. She had been hanging out in the shop. I noticed I had not seen her in a few days and I knew I needed to look for her but when I would go outside I would forget. I noticed some broken eggs in a weird spot. I went to look closer and found Rena. She had been stuck between a tool box and a piece of sheet metal for days. I felt so bad. I’m actually surprised she was still alive. It took me a bit but I finally got her free. I held her for a bit and then put her down. She had no use of her left leg at all. I put her in a safe spot and gave her some water through a syringe. I also gave her some food. I had no idea where I could put her since the coop is full and chickens were already pecking on her since she was injured. When Ronnie came home, he helped me with making her a spot in the trailer. Hopefully she will heal, but I may need to do some physical therapy with her. And she may just have to be by herself somewhere. I would put in another coop just for her. The lesson here is also go with your guy. I knew I needed to look for her and I waited, so here we are now. It’s not the first time she has disappeared though. The last time, she hatched out a bunch of chicks. 

Ronnie came in and said you have to see this, so I went outside and saw the strangest cloud I have ever seen. It looked like something big had exploded but there was no explosion. It looked like it could rain again, but it didn’t. There was some thunder and lightning but that was all. It also looked like a mushroom which I found intriguing. 

I try to get pictures of baby teeth when we have a baby around. Mattie was easy to get teeth pictures of, still is. Willow on the other hand is not easy. I tell you the difference in make and females in animals is just like in humans. Women are not easy to deal with. There’s another lesson. 

To end on a good note, I got a kiss from Noma!! 

Word of the day is lesson. Matthew 5:38-39

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