Sunday, April 9, 2023

April 7th

So grateful it’s Friday. Good Friday. Remember what that represents. Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross for us. We should remember what this day shows which is God’s love for us. 

Sweet Willow is doing well. She is starting to show her little personality. She is still unsure about humans but she is starting to recognize me and she will come to me. She is such a bright spot after losing Cracker Jack. We needed her and did not know it. I’m glad she is here. 

Takua’s eye is still looking rough. Ronnie is giving him stuff and putting stuff on the injury to make things heal. It’s going to be slow and I need to pray he does not lose his eye. It looks rough. 

Poor Mattie is so jealous of Willow. He is missing his mom. I feel so bad for him. I’m trying to give him extra love and attention to make sure he knows he is loved. 

I had a feeling some of the hens had been hiding their eggs. I just happened to find them because I was walking by and thought I heard a turkey. There was no turkey, just a hen. Onyx was bothering her. That’s how I found them. There were 38 of them. I could not believe it. I water tested them and they were all good. I’m sure they won’t lay eggs there again. 

I thought I had a broody hen, but apparently not. She was in the crate sitting on some eggs and refused to move. It looks like she was just trying to lay an egg. 

Jodie and Rosie are here to visit from Arkansas. It’s exciting to spend some time with them. Rosie has such a personality and is a lot of fun to be around. She will get to experience lots of new things on the farm this weekend. 

Rosie took to me right off and I loved it. I sure do love that little princess. 

Word of the day is family. Genesis 1:28

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