Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April 5th

It was a cooler morning and supposed to be cooler the next few days. The sunrise was beautiful this morning. The surprises today did not end. 

Well, today has been a day to write about. Today is my nephew’s 8th birthday and my sister and her husband’s 9th anniversary. Today is also the day Noma had her baby. Ronnie went out to feed while I was getting ready for work. He came in and said you have to come see this baby. Let me back up and say, I know the day Noma got pregnant. We had two donkeys jump the fence. I knew who the father was, or I thought I did. I walked out of the house and just stopped. I could not believe what I was seeing. The donkey who I thought was the father was absolutely not the father. If I’m being honest, I was excited to see Pedro now had a baby. This baby is gorgeous. I took some photos and then got ready to go to work. Ronnie had some stuff to do but was going to check throughout the day on the baby to make sure everything was going well. The baby was already nursing but he was going to check on Noma and the baby periodically. 

Around noon, I decided I could leave work early. I felt like I needed to. I do not do that often. I let Ronnie know I would be leaving soon. He decided to stop at the store and get a few things. An hour later, I was still at work. He texted me and asked me where I was. That never happens so I knew something was wrong. I got my stuff together and was leaving work. I got home and Ronnie said it was good he got home when he did. The baby had gotten out of the pen somehow and Mattie had her by the neck. That is not good. Ronnie was able to save the baby but when he tried to get the baby back in with her momma, Noma charged at him not once but twice. He did get the donkey back in there and the baby seemed fine. He realized around that time that we had a baby girl donkey. I’m grateful she was okay. 

After that incident, Ronnie decided to put more fencing around the pen so she could not get out again. Noma has been frazzled since all that. She was not too happy and was protecting her baby from that moment on. I was able to get in the pen to put out some shavings for them. I did not bother the baby though to keep Noma calm. She is such a good momma. It was a blessing to watch those two together today. 

Gus is now limping and I have no idea why. I hope he is okay. He is eating and still moving around but he is hurt. 

Tinkerbelle seems like her joints are so stiff. She doesn’t move around the way she should. I’m not sure what’s going on there either. 

Bubba is really acting sick. I feel so bad for him, but I know he has been sick for a while. I just hate it. 

I picked up Linda today. She did not like it, but I cuddled her anyway. 

The sheep have been enjoying the fan Ronnie turned on for them. They love it. 

Today has been an exciting day and I’m tired. 
Word of the day is Circle of life. Ecclesiastes 1:3-5

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