Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24

It was a cooler day again. I’m not complaining. The animals are all enjoying the cooler weather. We were supposed to get more rain but we have not. 

Rena is trying to get up and move around more. She ate and drank more today so things are looking up for her. She even tried to run from me today. She did not make it too far but she tried. I would say that’s progress. 

The cows and Mattie got a new hay bale and they always act like that’s the greatest thing. The cows will stand and moo at the tractor. Mattie apparently likes to roll in the dirt in front of the tractor. They all all crazy. 

Willow is doing well. She is starting to make funny faces. She has been more stand offish since the weather is cooler but she still will give you some drive by attention. She is cute and she knows it. 

I did see something funny. Sonny was trying to get in the shop and Yeller was swatting at him to go away. Sonny did go away, until I opened the shop doors. 

Mattie was begging for attention and food when I got home. He makes the funniest faces. 

Noma acts like she is starving and I have noticed Willow nurses more often then Mattie did. I am feeding her extra but she still acts like she is starving. I feel for her. 

All the animals are doing well. They are all loving life and I’m grateful for that. They are all loved here and they know it. That is important to me and to them.
Word of the day is love. Romans 12:9

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