Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April 25

So, Rena is up walking. She attempted to run from me in the horse trailer. Her leg looks the same but she is moving around more. That’s great news. 

Noma is getting impatient for food, so she is trying to eat out of the bucket before I can get into the pen. I now she is not starving. I do think Willow is nursing more than Mattie did. She will try to kick at Willow occasionally because she just needs a break. Willow is growing at a fast pace. 

The weather has been cooler lately and Maggie and Pepper were enjoying it tonight. They were laying out in the yard and acted so relaxed. 

There was a storm rolling in tonight and the temperatures were dropping. The clouds were beautiful as I was out feeding. 

Hercules and Pete have a bond these days. It’s really cute. Hercules is always up in the middle of the donkeys most of the time. The animals in that pasture are something else. 

Yeller looks like he may have gotten in an altercation with something. He has a small cut above his eye. He does not act like anything is wrong but I did see a cut. 

Rena is doing better. She is tolerating me more. Her and I did a photo shoot and she was actually trying to back talk me a bit. She is a sassy thing. She is getting used to me trying to cuddle her though. That’s good because I will not be stopping that. 

I got to see a cloud that looked like an angel. It was beautiful. 

Rosie and Jodie are here and Rosie does love the farm. She likes to hang out and see all the animals. She was able to get close to the horses and she just giggled and laughed. It was so cute. The child does have an arm on her though. She threw a treat at Spots and Spots took off running. Chief did smile at her and it was the cutest thing. 

I watched Athena the cat and Fred the rooster have a stand off. I’m pretty sure the cat ended up walking away first but it went on for a while. 

Willow continues to be sweet and Mattie continues to be jealous. It’s quite the dynamic. 

Willow has some gorgeous eyes. She is absolutely gorgeous. They do say the eyes are the window to the soul and you can see so much in her eyes. 

Noma let me pet her today. It was a shock but I loved it. I’m so glad she allowed me to pet her. She is not a friendly donkey. She tries every once in a while. 

On this same day, Simone, a chicken, got stuck in the pen with Noma and Willow. She was desperately trying to get out. How did she get in there? I chased her around trying to get her out of there. She was stressed enough she found her own way out. 

I did give Mattie some attention tonight. I want him to know he has not been replaced. He seemed grateful. 

Tinkerbelle has some hard days. Some days she just cannot stand up while she eats. I feel so bad for her. She never seems to complain though. 

The crazy cloud that reminds me of Independence Day was back. The cloud looks like a UFO. I may never see it again so I took so many pictures. 

The chickens have started laying eggs in the cactus. How they do this, I do not know. I got poked picking up those eggs, they have to get poked getting into the spot they are laying. 

Jeb is Ronnie’s horse. That horse loves Ronnie so much. I do think the feeling is mutual. 

Persia is less than thrilled about company. She was trying to hide in the cabinet. 

Jelly came home tonight. I’m glad every night I see him. He came home as the storm was rolling in. At least I knew he was safe. 

The storm was pretty. I don’t think it rained much if at all. I stood outside so long taking pictures that I was locked out of the house because everyone thought I was in the house. I was not. I had to call Ronnie twice before he realized I was not in the house. 

You never know what is going to happen around here. 
Word of the day is unknown. Colossians 2:3

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