Monday, May 8, 2023

May 8

Today was a hot on. It was 98 degrees. Goodness. That’s hot and it’s only May. I was concerned about the animals all day. I had to fight the urge to come home and check on the animals. I prayed for them all day. They were all fine when I got home. 

I was too hot for me to hang out extra outside. I had sweat coming down my face. I got most of the chores completed before Ronnie got home. All he had to do was water the garden. 

I had been concerned we had not been able to get a mud hole going for the new pig pen. I knew Ronnie had been working on it. He had been spraying a spot. The pigs worked hard today on making a hole. I helped when I got home with the shovel and it was able to hold water. The pigs are working on making it bigger. They were definitely hot when I got home. Treat was in the water trough. It looks like the other two had been in there also. The other pigs were fine. 

Spots was covered in mud on one side. It looked like she had been trying to play in the water. 

Willow has been running around today. She is so cute. Noma let me pet her and give her kisses today. Progress is being made. 

The two chickens are doing well in their coop. I gave them fresh water. Copper is laying eggs in there. They looked hot but everyone looked hot. 

It is world donkey day today. I sure do love all the donkeys here. I’m glad each one of them are here. 

Yeller gave me a scare. He looked like something was wrong, but as soon as I yelled his name, he opened his eyes. 

Word of the day is clarity. Psalm 119:18

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