Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 1

I came home from work today to find Edith and Suzie Q out of the coop. I have no idea how they got out this time. I opened the gate and they went right back in. 

I also noticed I did not do a great job with the pig sunshade and it had fallen, but the pigs were still trying to get under it. Ronnie fixed it for them. 

I let Rena down and out of the trailer and there sat Onyx. I thought better about leaving her there and put her back. 

Rowdy was also stalking the trailer with Rena in it. He can not get in there, so I was not too worried about it. 

Some of the eggs were broken in the goat pen, so I fed them to Rena. I gave her one and she jumped out of the trailer. Where was she going? She did not get far. I put her back. 

I saw Wheezy today. She is looking rough. The purple in her comb is getting worse. She does not act like it is bothering her though. She was eating with Mattie today. 

Mattie and Jasper fight everyday over the last bite or two of food Mattie has. Mattie kicks and makes a fuss, but it does not drive Jasper away. 

Tinkerbelle loves the sunshade. 

I went into the shop to get something and heard the chickens making a fuss. Something made me look into the spot where Rena fell and there was Copper, stuck in the same spot. I got her out. She has been looking rough for a long time. I decided today was the day she got out of the shop. I put her in with Rena and hoped for the best. 

I never noticed the eyes of a Rhode Island Red chicken. They are beautiful. 

Rena and Copper are getting along well and seemed to have needed each other, so that was a good move. 

I bought pools today for Gus, Spam, and Treat. Ronnie dug a hole and put the pool in it for them. He even gave Gus some attention. 

I got piggy kisses and Spam let me give her belly rubs. Those are some happy pigs. 

I looked over and say Willow on her side. It looked like Noma was standing on her. She wasn’t thank goodness. From far away it looked bad. It gave me some anxiety. 

Word of the day is doing for others. Deuteronomy 15:11

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