Friday, May 19, 2023

May 16

I woke up to Ursula knocking stuff off the bathroom counter. She wanted me to get up. I got up. That girl is a mess. Good thing she is cute. 

Ronnie was not sure if Rena and Copper were still in the coop, so I went to look. Yes, they were still in the coop. They were huddled together in the doghouse in the coop. They act terrified in there, but I probably would too if Edith was after me. The new dynamic will get better. They were out of the doghouse later in the day and walking around the coop. They might actually miss the other coop. We will replace that gate and maybe put them back. Edith and Suzie Q are running around everywhere so I do not think they actually want back in there. 

The donkeys were out in the pasture and looking good. They seem to enjoy their wide open spaces. They do not come up to the fence line much anymore. They do, it’s just not as often. 

Willow was napping, but she was so still, I had to go check on her. She got right up like I had bothered her, which I did, and was making the biggest stretch. She certainly is cute. 

Simone, one of our chickens was trying to jump up on Ted, a sheep’s back and it startled him. That sheep jumped up and went right into the water trough. He got right back out but I laughed so hard. 

I saw Onyx and Athena cuddled up together. They are not together all the time like they used to be, but they love each other. They are so cute. 

I got home and my heart dropped. Saverine was down again. She was not thrashing in pain like she had been on Saturday but she did not look good. I called Ronnie but he would not be home for hours. She did get up and was standing in the shade. She stayed up and ate some hay out of my hand, but she was drenched in sweat and she had labored breathing. She did poop so that was a good sign, but I was so upset. I knew it looked bad. About 10 minutes before Ronnie got home, she went down again. I was scared that this was the end. Ronnie got home and saw her down. He went to get the lead rope and when Saverine saw that lead rope, she got right up and started walking away. She did stop to pee and she pooped again. She stayed up after that. This girl is going to drive me crazy. I know she is older but I’m just not ready to lose her. I have to have faith that she will go when it’s her time. 

Word of the day is faith. Hebrews 11:6

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