Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 26

It’s finally Friday. It’s still rainy out. I’m loving it. I think the animals are tired of it. They will be wishing for it before long. Sebastian was coming to visit this weekend, so we will be busy and having fun. 

When I got home, Ronnie was still not back with Sebastian. I went out to feed. All the horses were by the fence. They are so beautiful. I’m still so glad they are doing well. 

The cats were on top of the freezer. Seeing that scared me a little. The last time I saw that, it was Earl and there was a snake in the shop. I wondered if I should check things out, but I did not want to freak myself out anymore than necessary. 

I went into the other pasture where the donkeys and goats were. The donkeys followed me into the barn and then out of the barn. They crack me up. 

May was acting broody. I tried to find eggs under her, but I did not find any. Ronnie went in there later and there were two eggs and May was gone. She gave me some dirty looks for sure. 

When I took out feed to the pigs, Gus was trying to climb the fence. I’m not sure why I think that’s funny, but I do. 

The other pigs’ bowls were all in the water and I had to fish them out before I could feed them. They did not appreciate that and they were looking at me like they were not happy they had to wait. They got over it. 

I watched the cows, donkeys, and pigs interacting with each other. It’s always interesting to see. 

Spam was not liking the donkeys being close to the fence and she was clicking her teeth at them. In my head, I was thinking, what in the world are you going to do? The donkeys did not care. 

Alex was funny with Patsy. They looked like they were talking through the fence. Then it looked like Alex was going to try to break her out of the pen. The whole set up looked funny. 

Sebastian finally got here and all of us were outside. He loves the farm and everything about it. The first thing he did was climb up on the tractor. He loves that. 

We attempted to introduce him to Willow, but he’s two and has too much energy which scared Willow. We tried though. Willow was trying to play with Noma and Noma was not impressed with it. 

Sebastian wanted to get close to Mattie. I think we finally were able to get him to pet Mattie. Mattie was unsure about the little human. 

Ronnie took Sebastian over to the pigs. He did not want to see the pigs, but we sat down and I gave Gus a kiss. He is super friendly. Well, since I kissed Gus, Sebastian had to and then Ronnie did, for the first time ever. I loved every minute. 

Sebastian wanted to run through the pasture. He was making circles. He kept getting closer to the cows. Ronnie grabbed his hand and led him over to Alex and Sebastian was able to pet the cow. 

We finally made it over to the horses which are his favorite. Jeb and Chief came right over. Sebastian was petting on both of them and talking to them. For those that do not know, Sebastian has difficulty with talking. He has been working with a speech therapist and is communicating more. He is also learning sign language. To see him talking to the horses brought tears to my eyes. It was a blessing. After a bit, Sebastian would go get grass clippings and try to feed Jeb. Jeb would spit out whatever Sebastian gave him, but he took it from him. Y’all, the bond those two have will bring tears to your eyes. 

Sebastian then got to pet the dogs. 

Then we went to Tinkerbelle and Cinderella. 

Then he was able to get on the lawn mower with his pop and ride around while I made dinner. 

After we ate, I looked outside and the horses were all in the barn. They seemed to be getting ready for the storm coming in. 

I looked out front and the sun was pink. I have not seen that before. It was beautiful. 

I attempted to pet Sonny since he was roosting by himself. He pecked me several times. He was not having it. 

I opened the shop and saw a cat jump out the window that is not one of our cats. I have no idea where he came from or where he went. All of our cats were home. 

This was a good day. 
Word of the day is grandchildren. Psalm 128:6

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