Friday, May 19, 2023

May 19

I had the opportunity to take the day off work and I took it. I cleaned house. It made me feel good to get some cleaning accomplished. 
As I was taking trash out, I went to the dying bush in the front and saw there were 5 hens sitting in the bush. I also noticed Sonny running out of the bush. Is that a coincidence? Probably not. 

Saverine was still up and looking good. She was with all the other horses. I am going to try not to worry so much over her now. 

After the storms last night, I felt like I needed to count the baby chicks. Chloe still has all 14 chicks with her. I applaud her for keeping them safe. 

Later when Ronnie and I went to get halters on the horses for the farrier, Jeb was laid out in the sun. After the drama with Saverine, it terrified me, but he was fine. 

We attempted halters on all the animals, but none of them cooperated and the farrier was coming today. Not a good scenario. The farrier did make it over and checked everything out and we have a game plan for when he can come do the hooves. They all need it desperately and he saw that. We will get it done. 

I got to see more goldfinches today. I saw a male and a couple of females. They sure are pretty. 

We added the sand clear and salt to the horses feed. Chief hates that, so he attempted to take the other horses’ feed again. He is definitely the chief in that pasture. 

I got some more pics of Willow’s teeth. They are coming in nicely. 

I also got to see Willow driving Noma crazy with jumping on her and trying to play. Noma was not impressed. 

Alex was eating tonight and just was drooling everywhere. I know it’s his feed but it was quite gross. 

I got a good look at the baby chicks. Each of them looks different and are absolutely adorable. They are so cute. Now, let’s pray they are all hens. I need them to be all hens. I cannot have any more roosters here. 

Onyx found an interesting hiding spot in a plastic bucket. Why she was in there I will never know. 

I found three random eggs in some Russian thistle that turns into tumbleweeds today. That was a first. 

There was another storm rolling in tonight. It is a pretty sight and we need the rain so badly. 

Carlos was definitely curious about the well house tonight. I have never seen him try to go in there. Technically he was not trying to go in, but he was sure checking things out. 

The pigs are all still doing well. We are still trying to get a mud hole in that one pen. Spam and Treat need the mud. They are looking a little sun burnt. They do have a pool and plenty of dirt which will make mud. Hopefully they will figure that out soon.

The storm clouds were beautiful tonight. I could see rain headed right for us. None of the animals seemed to care. I’m sure they are loving the cooler weather. 

Athena was looking in the windows to the house today wanting in. It was funny because she would look at one of the cats and then up at me like why are they in and I’m not? If she had the opportunity, she would live in the house, but I do not think she would like it. 

Sonny is somehow still getting in the shop to roost at night. I was actually happy to see that. I know he is somewhere safe. 

Word of the day is opportunities. Galatians 6:10

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