Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30

I do not know why but today has felt like a long day. Maybe it’s the full moon coming in the next few days but it has been a long day. 
I got home and saw Sonny pecking on Yeller and Yeller hissing at him. Sonny ended up walking away. 

I noticed a chick hanging back, not the normal one. It got lost several times which makes me wonder if that one will make it. It might be me, but it does not look good. I went behind this chick more than once to get it to his momma and she was trying to attack me. I left them alone after the third time, but I do wonder if the chick will make it. That’s the part that always makes me sad. I am surprised they have all made it so long. 

The donkeys and goats all came up and gave me some attention. That’s always a good thing. 

The pigs are loving life. I even got Spam to roll over and let me rub her belly. Three years ago I would have never thought that would happen. 

Ronnie had to buy different hay since the feed store was out of what we normally buy. Willow and Noma were okay with it though. 

Word of the day is a long day. Isaiah 41:10

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