Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 22

It was warm today and then the temps started dropping because another storm was coming in. I was able to get everyone fed and watered before it rained. As I am writing this, it has not started raining yet, but it looks like it could at any minute. 

All the animals are doing fine. You could tell they know the weather was changing. The dogs were desperate to get in the house. I let them in when the wind started picking up. 

The sky was beautiful while the clouds were rolling in. They usually are here in West Texas. 

I got to love on Noma and Willow this evening. Noma is doing so much better with attention. It’s still not fantastic but it is better. 

I got to love on the big donkeys a little today. They are a bit mad at me about the farrier coming Friday even though he did not touch a one of them. 

Spam, Gus, and Treat are still happy about their new pen. I am getting concerned about the skin burns on Spam and Treat. We have shelter and sun shades. We also have water and lots of dirt. I’m sure they will figure it out. And they are shedding. 

The other pigs are much more relaxed now that the other three have been moved. 

I sure do love to see all the horses lined up wanting to eat. 

The cows knew there was rain coming so they were laying down relaxing. 

I went out and got some pictures of the lightning. It was scary and beautiful. 

Ursula was not bothered by the storm. She was calm and relaxed. 

Word of the day relaxation. Proverbs 12:25

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