Sunday, May 21, 2023

May 21

I did not do much today and it was nice. I really did need the day to rest. 
I have been trying to catch Annabeth to put her in the coop for several days now. She does not want to be caught so I think I’m going to leave her alone. 

I looked out the window and saw Waldo was out of the pen. How he got out, I do not know. He ran around a bit and after I opened the gate for him to come back in, Buckwheat got out. They both ran for a minute and went back in. I think once Mattie is in the other pasture, I’m going to let them out to run. Probably the sheep, too. They were running back and forth in their pen with the goats on the other side. It was cute. 

I noticed an orange flower on the cactus tonight. I had only seen yellow flowers in our yard, but now there is orange also. 

I went out to look at the sunset which was beautiful tonight. 

While I was out, I went to look at Gus, Treat, and Spam. I couldn’t see Spam, but the other two were cuddled up. I’m just glad they are doing so well like they did in Arkansas. 

The horses were all still up and moving tonight. I think Saverine is going to be okay. 

Word of the day is concern. Proverbs 21:13

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