Sunday, May 21, 2023

May 20

Ronnie and I had a weekend where we did not have anyone here. There was no community service or volunteers here. Ronnie and I got busy with working in the yard. We worked in the garden, he mowed, and I ran the weed eater. I had never done that before. 

It is amazing the things you see when you are weed eating. I saw a big spider, a bunch of ants, a field mouse, and some kind of lady bugs. The field mouse was super cute. I did not harm the mouse. I did not kill the spider or the bugs. The ants were harming the garden though, so Ronnie sprayed them. 

Chloe still has all her chicks. She takes them everywhere. There is one little chick that is so happy about life, it almost gets left behind because it is engrossed in some other activity. It’s funny. Chloe starts screaming and here comes the chick. 

The horses all looked good today. I’m still thrilled over that. I’m so glad Saverine is okay. 

Mattie sure is funny. He wants attention. He shows you he wants attention. I laugh and hen give him attention. 

Willow is doing well. She looked like she was tangled up while sitting down, but she was not. She is so cute. She let me give her attention today. Noma did, too. She is getting better about it. 

Not much happened today and I took advantage of that and took a nap and did relax a bit. I needed it. 
Word of the day is relax. Psalm 4:8

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