Friday, May 19, 2023

May 17

This morning Saverine was out in the pasture with the other horses. That was a sight to see. I have been on such an emotional roller coaster this week with that horse. It’s been awful, but she looks to be on the mend. 

As I was headed home, it looked like a storm was rolling in. A big storm. I rushed home to get the feeding done. It was raining when I got home, so I took some pics of the lightning until it stopped enough to feed. 

It was flooding in the back yard. It had rained a lot in a little amount of time. 

Sonny was cute hiding from the rain under the table. Poor guy.

Once the rain slowed down, the horses came out of the barn and started eating hay. 

Chloe and her chicks all came out also. You can tell she is a good momma. She was soaked but the chicks were not. 

Mattie is staying out by the shelter where Noma is instead of getting into the shelter. He was also soaked to the bone. 

The donkeys in the other pasture were out in it, but the goats were in the barn. The goats are smart. 

The dogs were unable to get under the deck, so there was a rare picture of them taken in the yard. They are getting older but I sure do love those two. They have been with me a long time. 

Willow does not like the rain. She does not like to be wet. She was going nuts trying to get dry. She was jumping and kicking letting me know she was not happy. 

Saverine ate again tonight. Feeding time looked different tonight. I put sand crumbles in the horses’ food to get rid of some sand colic. Chief was not having it. He left his food and went down and took the other food. He would not let Saverine eat so I hand fed her. I took lots of pictures with her today. I feel like I’m on borrowed time. I guess we all are, but it feels closer with her. I hope we are over all the scary stuff, but we never really know. 

It looked like Alex was trying to break the pigs out of their pen tonight. He was scratching on the lock. I had to go investigate further. Luckily he did not break them out. 

Jasper would not eat grain tonight. He was not acting himself. I was hoping it was the weather. 

Jelly came home and followed me around a bit. I know he loves me because he came and sat right on my foot. 

Once the clouds lifted, all the horses, minus Saverine were running and playing. It was a beautiful sight. 

Word of the day is time. James 4:14

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