Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 3

It was a little cooler out today. I like it when it is high 70s and low 80s. It’s so nice. I know later on the summer months are going to be hot. I’m enjoying the cooler temps right now. This morning looked like a storm blowing in, but it went away. It’s supposed to storm tonight and the clouds are rolling in, so we will see. We need the rain and it is prettier out here with green grass. 

All the cats were home when I got home. I like to see them at home. They like to roam but I like that they know where home is. That’s important to me. 

Rena is doing better now that Copper is with her. She is getting up and around more. Now she has a wound on her foot from dragging it over the ridges in the trailer. Poor girl. I hate this happened to her but I am glad she is moving around. 

I had ordered a hutch for the chickens and it came in today. Since it is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow, I decided to leave them in the trailer. I wish it was a little bigger, but it will be good for the two chickens and the third one if I can get her out of the shop. That’s a task for another day. 

Edith and Suzie Q stayed in their coop today. That whole situation makes me laugh. They can come and go as they please but they stayed in there today. 

The pigs are still so happy and I am happy about that also. They love the space they have. It really is fantastic. I do wish we could have done that before. They love it and I love to watch them in their spaces. 

I attempted to get more teeth pics of Willow for my sister. Ronnie kept saying, Bite her Willow. Well she did bite me a little, but bad, it was more of a nip. Anyway. Once I left her alone, she gave me a great picture. I laughed out loud, literally. 

Noma has been letting me pet her and she has been more friendly with me. I know it won’t last, but I will take it for now.

The garden is growing. It seemed to happen fast. 

Some days I feel like I have so much to do, I fall behind on my duties. There is so much to do always. I will catch up one day. 
Word of the day is falling behind. Ecclesiastes 9:11

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