Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April 26

I have been opening the blinds just a bit for Ursula every morning so she can look out. She loves it. Makes me happy to see her happy. 

It was a gorgeous morning after the storm clouds. The clouds were still there but the sun rays were shining through. 

Noma let me pet her again today. Poor girl seems so tired. I know she needs a break. Willow is a donkey full of energy, Noma, not so much. 

Willow is getting some big teeth. She’s a donkey, what did i expect? She still won’t let me see the top teeth but I know they are there. She is a feisty thing. 

Mattie has been trying to steal hay from the little goats. I do sneak him some hay when the cows are not around. They can be bullies about the hay. 

Rosie is loving Bubba. She chases him. She pulls his tails. She tries to pet him. Bubba is not thrilled about it. 

I noticed Sonny up in the rafters again tonight. I sure do love him. 

Some days not too much goes on, but we need encouragement anyway. 
Word of the day is encouragement. Isaiah 43:2

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