Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 2

I may have not woken up with a good attitude. I could not get myself up out of bed and get myself together. Once I did, I spilled coffee on me and I forgot to let the dogs in, so I risked my clothes to the dog hair and let them in. Luckily I was not covered in dog hair. The minute I walked outside, my attitude changed. It was a beautiful morning. 

I went in and finished doing what I needed to do. I was already running late but that’s not new. I look out the window and there are hummingbirds around the feeder. There were at least three of them. It’s so beautiful to watch them. Yep, I’m officially old.

As I go out to leave for work, I see that Edith and Suzie Q are out of the coop and running with the other chickens. Ronnie had told me they were out and he could not get them back in. 

I checked on Copper and Rena this morning and they were huddled together in the trailer. I thought I would put them in the coop if Edith and Suzie Q decided to not go back in there. That was the plan when I got home. 

When I did get home, somehow Suzie Q and Edith were back in the coop with the door locked. I am pretty sure I found the spot they are getting in and out of. 

Since they were back in the coop, Cooper and Rena would have to stay in the trailer until next week. They were at the end of the trailer looking out. I know they want out, but neither of them are in great shape at the moment. They have plenty of food and water. They also now have each other. 

Jelly looked to have stayed home today. Him and Yeller were hanging out. Then I saw Yeller hanging out with Onyx. Athena came from wherever she was finally so all the cats were home. 

The donkeys and goats came up to the fence today. They all got some petting. They do their own thing. 

The pigs are still doing well and loving their new set up. I’m so glad it is finished and they are all happy again. 

As we were finishing up, Ronnie saw a chicken running across the driveway with an egg. I went over to investigate. I wish I had not done that. The egg had an embryo in it but the egg was cracked open. The hen probably had to get rid of it since the shell was cracked. Apparently I have missed some eggs and she is sitting on a clutch of them. Ronnie and I talked about it and decided to let her finish hatching them. 

I watched Mattie with Pete today. They were hanging out by the fence together. I am glad they are getting to know each other. Mattie will be over there soon. 

I also watched Mattie with Willow today. It seems Mattie was trying to be friends with everyone today. 

There looked to be a storm rolling in and the cows were just relaxing in the hay. They looked so peaceful. 

Word of the day is attitude. 1 Chronicles 16:34

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