Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 13

Today has been a roller coaster from the minute my eyes opened. Having animals can be a roller coaster when one is sick or something abnormal is going on. Today was the biggest emotional roller coaster I have been on in a long time. 

It rained all night. The dogs woke me up at 4:30 am needing to go outside. I got up and let them out and was grateful it was not raining at that moment. I just went back to sleep and they woke me up again at 6:30 am. I was aggravated with them, but they needed to wake me up because we had an issue outside we did not know about yet. 

I decided to go ahead and feed the animals because it looked like it was fixing to start raining again and I wanted to go ahead and get that done. As I was feeding, I noticed Saverine was down next to the barn. The horses do that sometimes. I started watching her though. She would lay down, roll around, get back up and then do it again. I watched her for an hour. When I went back in, Ronnie was getting up. I told him something was wrong with the horse. I do have a habit of panicking which was why I watched her so long before saying anything. I even went out into the pasture which I do not do very often because I still have a small fear of horses. I knew I needed to check on her. Her breathing was labored and she acted like she was in pain. I need to learn more about horses because I had no idea what was happening. When Ronnie came out and checked he told me to get on the phone and find a vet. Whatever was going on was bad. It’s Saturday, so finding a vet is not an easy task. I finally found the emergency number to the vet we normally use and she was out of town. Ronnie let her know what was going on and she prescribed something for pain. The vet tech was going to be at the clinic for a bit so I was going to run get the meds. 
Once that was handled, we went back out to check on Saverine. When I say this was bad, this was bad, I’m not being dramatic. Somehow she was down in the barn. She had her neck against the wall. One leg was under some of the metal inside the barn and both her back legs were wrapped around a pile in the barn. Y’all, I about lost it then. I knew it was bad. She couldn’t get up and the way she was positioned, we could get hurt trying to help her. Ronnie called some friends to come help us. I ran inside to get dressed. When I got in the house and started rushing around, Ronnie texted me a picture and she had gotten up on her own, but now she had cuts and scrapes all over her. 

Around this time, one of the daughters called and asked for a ride to come to the house. So I picked her and our granddaughter up and then we ran to get a salt block, salt, and the meds from the vet. Talk about a day and it was only 10am. 

We had some friends who came out to help us out with Saverine. I saw them when they got there, but they were already gone when I got home. They had walked her around and thought she might have colic, an obstruction, or a twisted gut. None of those are good, but for a 25 year old horse, all could be fatal. Talk about being a mess, she was but so was I. She was up moving around when I got home. 

While she was up, I focused on Jodie and Rosie. It was a fun visit even with the drama going on. Rosie loves the animals, so she got to hang out with the horses. 

Oh there are so many baby chickens. Momma Chloe has been bringing them out of their hiding place. They are cute running around the yard. 

The garden is looking good. Things are growing fast. I’m amazed. 

The goats and donkeys were all doing fine with the rainy weather. They sure do love the pasture. I am glad they have space and are happy. That’s all I ever wanted for them. 

A few hours and gone by and I had been watching Saverine. I watched her go down again. I was devastated. Ronnie got out there with the lead rope. She got up with the lead rope and he started walking her. Ronnie walked her for hours. She finally had had enough and went down. I had gone to the store. When I got back, Ronnie was on the phone with the vet. He had sent her a video. Saverine was bad at this point. She was thrashing and suffering in pain. The vet said it was time to euthanize. When Ronnie told me, I lost it. I understood though and agreed. I could not bear with watching her suffer anymore. 

At the same time, I had a friend who was on her way. I could not talk. I was bawling and was so devastated. I texted her and told her what we decided. She asked if we could wait and she was almost there. She wanted to try one more thing. That girl drenched Saverine with mineral oil, fiber, and salt. That girl worked on massaging Saverine’s stomach. After two hours, the thrashing had stopped and Saverine was up. I do not think Skylar will ever know how grateful I am to her. Saverine still did not feel good, but she was up. 

As Skylar was working with Saverine, we both saw these bright red bugs. I had never seen before. I had to look it up. They are called clover mites. I have never heard of them before. They are just a nuisance bug. 

If you need a tiller for anything, my pigs can take care of it for you. They have torn up their new pen. They are happy though. That’s what’s important. 

All the cats came home which I am glad.

Rena and Copper were doing well and still laying eggs. 

I had always wondered why Yeller ended up here, but I figured it out tonight. Yeller came here because we were going lose Peanut Butter and Jelly needed him. Those two are best friends.

We spent 12 hours on that horse. I was so exhausted. It was threatening to rain again and had been all day. I went to bed at 8:30pm and prayed for Saverine that she would either go in her sleep or she would be okay. I left it to God and went to sleep.

Word of the day is Storms of Life. Isaiah 43:2

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