Monday, May 29, 2023

May 27

Another stormy day was here. The temps were cool enough to wear long sleeves. I am really enjoying it. 

I tried to throw all the hay for the animals into their shelters so they hay did not get wet. I thought that would be nice if it did start raining. 

I saw Jelly and told him to stay home today. He must have understood me, so he followed me around while feeding. He is funny. 

Sebastian did a lot of running around today on various portions of land. We have an area by the garden. He was loving running over there. 

The donkeys, cows, and horses were all gathered up in the corner of the property. I wonder what they are all up to. 

I did notice Pedro by the fence watching Noma and Willow. That’s always interesting to me. Do they realize that’s their baby? I don’t know. 

Willow and Mattie seem to be becoming bonded. They stick by the fence together often. It’s cute to watch. 

Mattie wanted some attention today and I gladly gave him some attention. He is such a sweet boy. 

I noticed Rena is getting faster with her walking. She looks like she is doing better. She will probably have to live in the coop for the rest of her days, but she seems happy. 

Thelma saw a rooster and flew to the top of the coop. I do not know what she was thinking, but she was squawking up a storm up there. 

I went into the sheep pen to get eggs. Wheezy was sitting there. She fought me for her eggs. I mean fought. I have bruises where she pecked me. She wanted to keep those eggs. I did pick her up and tell her how sorry I was. 

Noma seems to be getting sweeter. I wonder how long it will last. 

Yeller and Jelly did stay home. They were cuddled up together in the shop. I’m so glad those two have each other. 

I watched Alex and a rooster, Lester looking like they were yelling at each other. That was hilarious. 

I let Sebastian in the pen with the chickens and sheep. He was fascinated with the chickens. He got too close to the sheep and he got knocked down, but he got back up. 

He was liking trying to climb the fences today. I had not seen him do that before. He is all boy that’s for sure. 

I noticed Ernestine is still roosting day and night in the bush out front. I still do not know what to do with her or for her. I wish she was not so scared. I just want to help her. 

The flowers in the cacti are just beautiful. 

I watched Chloe and her chicks in the garden. There is one chick up on the hay bales next to the plants it was cute. I hope they do not destroy our garden though. 

Word of the day is fun. Ecclesiastes 8:15

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