Sunday, May 7, 2023

May 6

Oh it was a hot one. We were working outside most of the day. I was sunburned since it was so hot. We got stuff done though. That’s what’s important. 

We planted more stuff in the garden to grow. I’m impressed with how the plants have grown. The garden is growing well this year since we used hay bales. 

Ronnie got one of our shelters converted to a chicken coop for Ernestine, Copper, and Rena. There are laying boxes and more room for them. They will like that better than the small coop I bought. 

The small coop I bought had ended up going over top of some of the plants in the garden. That’s funny to me. At least it’s still in use. 
I saved the same lizard from Athena and Onyx. The lizard did not run away like I told him to. I hope he did get run away after the second time. 

Ursula has something going on with her eye. I’m not sure what she did, but it sure was draining a lot. Hopefully it will get better. 

I have to figure out more shade for the pigs to keep them out of the sun. They don’t seem to mind too much, but I don’t want them to be in the sun all the time. 

Cinderella is loving the the sunshade. I’m so glad she is loving it. 

This time of year goldfinches are in this area and I saw a bunch of them in one spot. They are beautiful. 

All is well on the farm. We will be working on keeping all the animals cool this summer. 
Word of the day is finished. Acts 20:24

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