Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April 28

Today was an exciting day. I have no words really for the experience I had today. It started by cleaning out the pig pen and taking down a sunshade that had started falling apart to get ready for the day. Tori and Michael came to do the pig hooves. My pigs are not much for cooperating but those two were excellent with the pigs. We had already figured out who needed trims and who did not need it this trip. Ronnie had met Tori and Michael the night before and asked them to help with moving some pigs over and we would pay them extra. Those two were on it the minute they got here. They already had a plan. 

The first thing they wanted to do was move the pigs over. That was a good idea. Get that done first and then the trims. They made a pathway for the pigs. They got Gus first and then they got Pork Chop, Bacon Bit, Spam, and Treat. The plan was to get all of them over and then get Pork Chop and Bacon Bit back over to the other pen. That was done. It was obvious to all the other animals the pigs were not happy and they were all watching. 

Once that was done, getting each one caught and into the trimming rig was not an easy task. Pork Chop was caught first. He was trimmed in the make shift alley way. He did fine and then he was put back into the other pen. Darla was acting up and attacked him and then Russ went after her to stop it. Pork Chop hid after that. 

Now on to Bacon Bit. She got into the alley way and I was not standing where I needed to and she got out. She was running across the pasture. That put the horses on edge. Tori and Michael are pros and they got her back into her normal pen without a problem. They decided to trim her in there. Bacon Bit did well and they released her. Darla did the same thing with her. Then Russ did the same thing to Darla. After that, Bacon Bit hid with her brother. I’m sure they thought they were traumatized. 

Next was Treat. Treat is the wayward pig. She was a problem for sure. She was hard to catch. Once she was caught, she was too small for the trimming rig. So, while Tori trimmed, Michael held her on one side and I held the other. Treat was trying to bite and she was trying to fight the whole time. Tori did not let it bother her and she got them completed. 

After Treat, I told them to hold off on Spam and Gus. After the fit Treat threw, they would not cooperate and we all knew that. I think everyone was tired anyway. Not only was all that a difficult task, but the wind was going about 35 mph the entire time. It was a cooler day also so I think it was best to wait on the other two. I was tired and I didn’t even do anything, so I knew they had to be tired. 

I enjoyed my day with those two even with the wind and the dust and the uncooperative pigs. Tori is a wealth of knowledge and I learned a lot from her while she was here. 

They also helped finish up the pig pen and get the house moved for them. They did not have to do that, but I’m so grateful they did. I did not want them to possibly get out while I ran to work.

After they left, I ran to work for a couple of hours. I was so dirty and did not even care. 

When I got home, I fed and watered everyone and then I added straw to the pig houses. I have to say all the pigs were already calmer and seemed happier than they had been in a long time. 

Rena seems to be doing a little better. She will not ever be normal again. I contacted a vet tech to see if they could look at her and maybe pop her hip back in if it was dislocated. I thought that at first and then thought it was broken. Tori thought it might be dislocated also. The vet tech said they did not do that. Rena will be okay. I ordered a new house for her and it should be here soon. It will let her be outside but protected. I think she will appreciate that. 

As I was feeding, I noticed Edith had escaped from the coop. She did not hesitate to go back into the coop when I opened the door. I filled in the hole she got out of. 

Willow is still gorgeous and seems to be getting more gorgeous by the day. I sure do love her. 

I went over to feed the horses and Chief’s bowl was far away. I was going to have to climb the fence. He saw me looking at it and he moved the bowl for me. I was grateful. 

As I went one last time to check on the pigs, the cats were in there with them. If the pigs came close to them, they would run off though. 

It was a gorgeous evening with the clouds. I stood and took several pictures of them. 

Hercules was in an area he was not supposed be, but he did not seem to care at all. 

Athena went into the well house where she is not supposed to be as I was trying to close it up. Good thing I was paying attention and saw her. That would have been bad. 

Onyx and Hercules were playing tonight. That was cute. Hercules kept trying to head butt Onyx and Onyx would move just enough to get out of the way. 

The goats were chasing the cats. I had not seen that before. I had to laugh about it. 

Lucky actually came to the fence to get some petting tonight. That never happens. 

I also watched Pete go over to Cracker Jack’s grave, stand on it, paw at it and walk away. That put tears in my eyes. 

Jelly and Yeller were both home tonight. I do love to see those two. 

I’m not sure the last time I was this exhausted but it’s been a while. I am sure I will sleep well tonight. It was a great day though. 

Word of the day is busyness. Jeremiah 31:25 

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