Thursday, May 4, 2023

April 30

Ursula ran out of the bedroom. She had not done that in a long time. The other cats just watched her. Bubba finally went toward her. He was not impressed. She walked around a while and then I put her back in bedroom. She seemed fine with that. Bubba was mad. He watched me and when I looked over at him he peed everywhere. That’s how I knew he was mad. So dramatic and I cleaned it right up. 

Ursula has a new game she plays. I do not actually like the game. She throws her toy mouse around until she gets it into her water bowl and then she dumps the water bowl. She loves the game. I do not. It keeps her entertained though. 

The chickens have been taking their dirt baths lately. It was hot today. It cools them off. 

I watched Gus trying to dig back into the other pen. He could not get through there. I think he was hot. 

Noma let me pet her today. I could not believe it. I loved every second of it. It did not last long, but it happened. 

Willow is still full of life. She is such a joy to watch running around and loving life. She does not know the difficulties of life like some of these other animals. She is learning new things daily. 

It was such a hot day today. It was up in the 90s. I wonder what summer will bring. 

I attempted to love on Mattie today, but he snubbed me. I wonder what that was about. 

I watched Spots and Chief being nice around food. That’s a first. Chief may be calming down a bit. He is recognizing the newer horses are staying and they all need to play nice. 

I decided to put up the sunshades in Tinkerbelle and Cinderella’s pen. They were grateful. 

I put up the sunshade in Gus, Spam, and Treat’s pen also. They were also grateful. 

I have to say, we have happy pigs again. It makes me so happy to see all the tails wagging. It may have taken a while, but it is done and they love it. 

Ronnie and I did attempt the mud hole in the new pen, but that’s not going to happen because it’s too sandy. We will figure something out for them. 
Noma was so tired today. She just laid down on her side and Willow was nursing that way. I know that girl is tired. 

Word of the day is new day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

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