Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 4

Ronnie sent me a text earlier saying May the Fourth be with you. I had to laugh. He also said it was International Respect day for chickens. I did not even know that was a thing. It sure is interesting to all the things we have a day for these days. I love my chickens and respect them every day. 
I was able to get Copper and Rena in their new coop today. I have decided it might be too small, so Ronnie said he would do something for them this weekend. Rena is getting better, but she is still struggling. She probably always will. That leg is definitely dislocated and I have no way to get it back in. She seems happy though. That’s what matters. 

Mattie was sharing his food with the chickens today, but kicked at the cows when they tried. 

Squawk has something wrong with her eye. I got her to finally open it, but it looks like it is hurting her. I have no idea what is going on with her. 

While I was in the pen looking at Squawk, the sheep wanted my attention so badly, they were jumping on me. It hurts when they do that. I did give them some attention. 

The pigs are still doing well. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see them so happy. 

Cinderella has some kind of fungus on her ear. Tori saw it while she was here. I made sure to get some medicine on her. I mean, she fainted and that’s how I got the meds on her, but regardless, the meds are there. 

We have pasture thistle everywhere. I caught a bee on one. It was a beautiful sight. 

The chicken on eggs seem to be doing well. 

The other chickens are stalking Rena and Cooper already in the small coop. 

Athena found the best relaxation stop, right under the stairs where nothing can get her. 

Word of the day is respect. 1 Peter 2:17

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