Friday, May 19, 2023

May 18

Ursula woke me up again by knocking things off the counter. She is such a mess. I think she is depressed and bored being in the bedroom and bathroom alone. I cannot say I blame her. I would love to let her out, but she does not tolerate the other cats. I do not know what else I can do. 

Saverine is still up and doing well. I cannot tell you how happy I am about that. She seems to be back to normal. It’s been a rough week for her. I made sure to check on her before I went to work. 

It looked rainy again on my way home. It was sprinkling on my way home. I decided to try to run and feed. I knew the storm was coming. 

All the animals were all out running around like normal. I knew I had a little time. The donkeys were out in the pasture, but the goats were in the barn again. 

Saverine ate again. This is such good progress. She is definitely getting back to normal. I’m so happy. 

I watched the storm coming in. We need the rain, so I was not about to complain about it. I took a bunch of photos. It was pretty. You could see it raining in the distance. 

I feel so bad for Mattie. He wants to be with Noma so badly. He stands out in the rain next to the pen she is in with Willow. It hurts my heart, but I know it’s necessary. We must get him fixed so he cannot be in there with them. 

I saw the donkeys finally go into the barn. I am glad they have the barn and know where to go. They know they are home. That makes me feel good. 

It started thundering and lightning. I got a crazy shot of lightning photo. It is probably the best photo I have ever taken. The donkeys did not even seem bothered by the storm going on. 
After the lightning really started coming out and the storm was close, I went inside for my own safety. The storm did get bad, but I prayed for protection over all the animals and the property and God provided that protection. I am humbled and grateful. 

Word of the day is provide. Psalm 16:1

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