Monday, May 29, 2023

May 28

Ursula was ready for me to get up. She was jumping on me and she was knocking things off the bedroom counter. She is such a mess. I got up and she stopped. 

It was the day for Sebastian to go home. I took him over to tell Jeb bye. Jeb came to the fence and loved on him. 

Spots came over, too, but he moved her out of the way and told her no. I loved on her though. She has not wanted too much attention so when she does, I give it to her. 

Chloe is starting to let the chicks go a little way without her. She has been the best mom. She is the only hen we have had who has not lost a chick or two by now. She does have Melody helping her out with the chicks, so maybe that is why. 

Simone is still in the shop. I think she comes and goes.

Jelly stayed home again today with Yeller. I hope he starts staying home more again. I worry less when he does. 

Mattie kicked Jasper hard today and Jasper stopped messing with him. Good for Mattie taking up for himself. 

The cows saw the fly spray and ran from me, but I won that round and sprayed them both. I got Mattie and Noma, too. None of them appreciated it. 

The horses were funny. I was watering and the horses kept trying to take the hose. They wanted to be sprayed with the water. I accomplished that. Takua even wanted to drink from the hose. Then Spots did the same thing. Once they had enough, they walked away. 

A few minutes after the horses walked away, I saw Saverine go down. Then Spots went down. I almost had a panic attack but they were just getting the water off them. They both got right back up and went on with their business. 

Chloe brought her chicks out with all the other chickens. She was brave. They did not stay long and went back to the front of the house. That was smart. 

Willow is jumping on Noma more and I’m wondering if it’s a comfort thing for her. I notice it more when something is going on she does not like. 

There is still one chick that always falls behind because it’s looking at all the things around. Chloe is such a good momma. She knows the chick is gone and she will wait on this chick. 

Word of the day is the beauty of the earth. Colossians 1:16-17

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