Tuesday, May 16, 2023

May 11

This morning was humid out and it looked like rain, but yet again, it was just a tease. 
It was a sad day when I got home. I found Rowdy deceased. I sure did love that rooster and he was such a beautiful thing. I have no idea what happened to him. There were no obvious signs to what had happened. I hate this part. I know I have said it before, this part is hard every single time. It hurts every time. That will never change. 

Right after I found Rowdy, I went to check on the broody hen in the front. Well, she has baby chicks. So far there are four. I cannot get attached because chicks do not always make it around here. 

Then I go over to check on Edith and Suzie Q. They were gone. They escaped again. Good grief, why won’t they stay there? They were actually over with the other chickens. They will have to get back to the coop on their own if that’s where they want to go. 

The pigs are still doing well in their own spaces. That’s the best things we could have done for them. I’m working on getting them more sunshades. They should be here tomorrow. 

Ronnie brought the cows and Mattie a new hay bale. That’s always fun to witness. They go crazy with happiness. I just laugh at them. The excitement is something to see. 
Ronnie also took a hay bale to the horses. They were happy also. They were not as excited as the cows, but they were excited. 

The days here are all different. You never know what is going to happen. 
Word of the day is circle of life. John 17:3

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