Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 25

It has rained all night long. The backyard is flooded, but the shop is not, yet. All the animals are under cover, except Mattie. He is standing by the pen where Noma and Willow are. Again, it breaks my heart, but that’s how it has to be. 

The backyard is flooded we have so much rain. I am not complaining. We need it badly out here. 

As I walked outside to go to work, it was sprinkling. I noticed Chloe under my car with all her chicks. How she can fit 14 chicks under her body, I have no idea, but she can. I had to run her out of there. I hated to, but I sure did not want to run them over. She left and all the babies followed her. I made sure before I got in the car. 

I got to work and I saw a cardinal out the window of one of my patient’s windows. I had seen him on my way to work also. Flew right in front of my car. He was beautiful. 

I watched the coop chickens for a bit. All three seem to be doing well. I am glad. 

Chloe is letting other hens close to her and the babies now. She was introducing them today. It was an experience to see. 

The backyard was not as flooded when I got home, but there was still quite a bit of water. The dogs enjoyed playing in it. They were having the time of their life. 

Mattie and those chickens are cracking me up. The chickens do not eat their food anymore, they wait until Mattie gets fed. 

Noma is sure being friendly lately. Only when I have food, but I will take it. Any time I get to love on her, I will. I hope she is realizing she is loved. 

I had received 300 pounds of duck feed for free. I do not have any ducks. I contacted a lady I did know who had ducks. Her and her family came by to get the feed. They wanted to see the animals. Mattie took up with the kids. I love to see that. I like when people come out and love on these animals. I love it more when the animals cooperate. 

Jeb and Mattie have either been fighting or becoming friends, I’m not sure which. They will run back and forth along the fence line. They try to bite each other across the fence, at least that’s what it looks like from a far. 

It rained so much, the pig pen we cannot get to hold water for mud, has mud. Those pigs are taking advantage of that and I am glad they are. 

The other pig pen is so much calmer and I am able to get close to the other pigs without fear of the another pig to be jealous. I am talking about Gus. 

Jelly and Yeller were cute today. They were hanging out together. I’m grateful they have each other. 

Word of the day is blessings. Numbers 6:24-26

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