Tuesday, May 16, 2023

May 12

The forecast says it is supposed to rain all weekend. I sure was hoping it would. Only time would tell. Here in West Texas, the forecast changes quickly. Before I left for work, I noticed the cactus flowers were opening for rain, or that was in my head at least. 

On my way home, it looked like it could start pouring at any minute. I was hoping it would rain. I started rushing around trying to get home. 

One thing I did when I got home was to check on the baby chicks. I was surprised to see there were so many more than the four I saw yesterday. She was not sitting on the eggs anymore so I thought four was it. I was wrong. I could not count them all because she was hiding them. I knew there were a bunch though. 

I also noticed the chickens were still laying in the cactus. I wish they would not do that. It hurts to get them out of there. 

I then started hearing thunder and knew I needed to rush faster to get the animals fed so I would not get wet. I started getting things done. However, Mattie decided he needed attention so I had to stop and give him some. 

The cows were not concerned at all about the storm. They were laying down watching the storm roll on in. 

Willow was not sure what to think about the storm rolling in. She was running around like crazy. It was cute to watch. 

The horses sure were pretty with the cloudy skies. I got some beautiful photos of them. 

I watched Mattie stealing hay from Noma and Willow. I just had to laugh. 

Once the goats ate, they all went into their shelters to stay out of the weather. I could not blame them. 

Once I finished feeding and watering, yes I watered because you never know if it is actually going to rain or not, I stood outside watching the lightning. I got several photos of the lightning. 

The pigs were loving the cooler temps. 

It did storm all night long. There was so much thunder and lightning, it woke us up several times. I am glad it did rain. We need it so badly. 

Word of the day is rushing. Hebrews 4:11

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