Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

It was a hot day today. Here is a chance of rain so we have more humidity than normal. It got hot. 

Ronnie was off work today, so I did not have to help feed and water too much. I did look for eggs. Because of the weather change, we did not get as many as normal. 

Simone was hanging in the shop not far from Jelly. Yeller did come in later to hang out with Jelly. I am grateful Jelly is staying home more. 

Mattie has been scratching a lot. I think he is trying to shed his hair. It’s matted from all the rain we have had. 

The goats and sheep all seem to be doing well. I’m watching them all closely with all the weather changes. It’s hard on them. 

Chloe still has all 14 babies. I’m so proud of that hen and how good she is doing. 

I noticed Maggie’s dew claw was growing back into her pad. Ronnie and I were able to clip it without a problem. 

Word of the day is teamwork. Genesis 2:18

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