Friday, May 19, 2023

May 14

Happy Mother’s Day. I woke up and the sky was beautiful. I was exhausted last night and ended up getting almost 12 hours of sleep. That never happens. 

I noticed as soon as I walked outside, Ernestine had rooster on our grill again. I wish she would find hens to be with. I hate that she roosts alone. The ideal thing would be for her to let me catch her and put her in the coop with the other two. She will not realize I’m trying to help her. 

I saw Momma Chloe and her chicks running around. I was able to catch one to hold. Chloe went into momma hen mode and was going after me. I let the chick go and I will not be doing that again anytime soon. 

I kept walking because my main goal was to check on Saverine. She was still up and walking around. I was so appreciative in that moment. I cannot even describe the feeling I had. I texted Skylar to let her know. Skylar will never know how grateful I am to her. 

Ursula gets cuter by the day but she is a mess. She is demanding for sure. 

We keep a box on the bar for Persia. She stays there most the time. It makes me laugh. 

Rena and Copper are still laying eggs. They have their own spot where they lay them. I sure do love those crazy chickens.

Athena is now stalking the baby chicks. If she does not stop it, Chloe will get her. I warned her, but I do not think she will listen. 

Saverine is being sassy now. She saw me coming out to feed and water. She pranced right over to the water trough to make sure I knew she was drinking. She still did not want to eat and she still looked like she was not feeling well. 

For all the people who have tried to come out and love on these little goats, I know they are not too friendly, but they are with me, when they want to be. 

I was finally able to count the baby chicks. There are 14. I am in disbelief. Chloe is a good little momma. I am happy about that. I know most are, but I will never forget the one that wasn’t. 

I went into the pasture to love on Saverine but she actually ran from me. In a weird way I was happy about that. She was feeling better. 

Saverine had stayed back away from the other horses most of the day, but she decided to hang out with them for a while. It was probably to keep me away from her. 

I decided to move Rena and Cooper into the other coop since Edith and Suzie Q had abandoned it. I was a little concerned about the heat on them in the new coop. It did not take me long to get them moved. They seem to like being together. 

I watched Willow trying to open the gate today. She is like her brother, too smart for her own good. 

Edith and Suzie Q were mad about the new chickens in the coop. They are mean girls. I hate them being so mean, but it is what it is. 

Before I went to bed, Saverine was laying down again. I went into panic mode, but I had to trust that everything would work out. 

Word of the day is appreciative. Colossians 4:2

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