Monday, May 15, 2023

May 9

The day was not as hot. I was glad about that. Today was such a weird day. 
It started with Ursula. That cat is so funny. She waits for me to open the blinds for her every day. It keeps her entertained. 

I got home to feed and opened up the shop. There sat Rena. I have no idea how she got back to the shop in one piece but she did. I went around to see what had happened to the coop and where she could have possibly gotten out. The door was completely opened and I had an idea who would have done that. 

Well, I thought Mattie since I saw him in there but Ronnie thinks the cows. It’s a toss up. 

I looked for Copper. She was hanging out with the other chickens. A little while later I saw Copper looking toward the shop. I didn’t think much of it and went on my way while I tried to figure out what to do.

Tinkerbelle seems to be feeling better and is more active since I wormed her again. 

Noma was sweet today. She let me give her kisses and she let me love on her. I even was able to take a selfie with her and Willow. Maybe we have turned a corner with her. I won’t know until she is out of the pen. 

I caught the chickens sharing Mattie’s food again today. He does not seem to mind much for the chickens to share with him, but he will fight the cows. 

I was out talking with Ronnie and up walks Copper. I had no idea what she was doing. She came and sat right down beside my feet. I picked her up and held her. I guess she was asking for help. Ronnie went to fix the gate and I held her and walked over to the coops with her. She seemed happy to be back in the coop. I went into the shop to get Rena. She was hiding. When I picked her up, she put her head on my chest. She seemed grateful also. 

I got her back into the coop. She was happy she was safe again.

I watched Jasper using the pile of string from a hay bale as a pillow. It cracked me up. 

Jeb is such a loving horse. He sure does love Ronnie. 

Mattie also got petted by Ronnie today. 

I found Ernestine. She apparently has taken up residence with the broody hen in the bush in front of the house. I have no idea what that is about. 

Word of the day is safe. Proverbs 18:10

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