Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April 27

I have a box laying around on the bar. It’s only for Persia. She loves her box and wants to stay in the box. It cracks me up. 

So, I have a friend who trims pig, goat, and sheep hooves. Her and her boyfriend work hard at what they do. Obviously I have a bunch of all of those. They were coming to the area, so of course I booked them. I got to hang out with them tonight. They came to do the goats today. The goats that needed done, well, two out of three of them are not real good with people. We actually attempted 4 goats, but Waldo was not having it. As Tori, Michael, Jodie, and I were trying to catch Waldo, he jumps up and hits Michael right in the left shoulder and dislocated his shoulder. He picked up his arm and put it back into place and continued working. I was in shock. I could not believe what I was seeing. They did get Buckwheat, Porky, and Tinkerbelle done. They did a fantastic job. 

When we got Waldo, I was told he could jump a 5 ft fence. I have never seen him attempt that before. Well, after tonight, I know he could do it. 

Rosie was loving the farm tonight. She was hanging with the goats. She also was able to get close to Rena. Rena was eating out of hands tonight. I’m glad she is doing better. 

Word of the day is friends. Proverbs 27:9

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