Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April 4

Another warm windy day here in West Texas. It was in the 90s. It was another dust storm blowing around. I swear when it’s this windy and dusty, I cannot get all the dust out of my hair. It’s crazy how bad the wind can stir up the dust. Bring on some rain. We need it badly. 

Noma is so close. She is not eating tonight which tells me she is about to have a baby. She is unsettled with Ronnie and I outside. She is not loving all the attention. I cleaned out her pen again just in case she goes into labor tonight. I know it will be soon. 

I got to spend some time with the horse again tonight. They sure are pretty. They are working on being friendly. Spots is the last hold out. I know it will happen though. It just takes time. 
I know things have been a little crazy lately, but I know it will all work out in God’s timing. 

Word of the day God’s Timing. Acts 1:7

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