Friday, March 31, 2023

March 31

What a foggy morning it was. It was beautiful, but that fog was over everything. It is crazy to see. The one thing about fog is, it does lift. When you are feeling foggy and out of sorts, the feeling will lift and be taken away at some point. Hope is there to help you through. 

The weather is a little cooler and all the animals have been running around and loving life. 

I do think the other animals know there is going to be a new baby. They have all been watching Noma. 

Noma is getting ready for sure. She has been rolling around on the ground getting the baby into position. She is laying down quite a bit. I know she has to be ready. She looks so uncomfortable. 

Mattie is sneaky. He has been stealing Noma’s hay from around her shelter. He is a smart one. 

I got to love on Hercules. He is the most loveable goat. He will kiss you just like a dog. He is the best. 

Tinkerbelle has somehow been scratching on something that has opened up a sore. She has meds on her but I have to figure out what she is scratching on so it does not continue to happen. 

I had not seen Jelly in about 24 hours and was nervous, so I went out to check. He was there and jumped through the shop window in the back to greet me. 

The horses had been eyeing something in the field they were standing at attention for, but I could not see it. It went on for a couple of hours. They finally went on about their business. 

Jeb’s nose is still healing but it looked like it was draining a little today. He is off his antibiotics so he may need to be seen by the vet now. He looked better so Ronnie decided not to take him. 

I could not find Persia anywhere this evening as I was looking for her. I finally remembered opening the closet to get them more food. When I opened the closet back up, she slowly walked out of it. You would think after taking care of this cat for thirteen years I would either remember to make sure she was not stuck in there or she would remember not to go in there. 

I booked the park venue for our walk in September so I am happy about that. I’m praying for a good turn out. 

Things around here have been a little rough lately, but it’s going to continue to get better. I know that. 

Word of the day is fog. 1 Corinthians 13:12

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