Wednesday, March 22, 2023

March 22

Today was a better day. The sunrise was beautiful. 

I will say the weather has been so up and down from cold to hot and hot to cold. Today is was in the 80s again. 

Bill and Ted neither one seem to be feeling good. I do not know if it was because it was a rather warm day or they are sick. I do think Bill might be sick, but I am going to give him a day or so before giving him antibiotics to see if he really is sick. That poor guy gets sick often. 

Jeb’s nose is starting to look better, so hopefully he will heal up soon. 

Jeb is also looking like the other horses are liking him again. That’s always a good thing. 

Jelly has been coming home earlier and that makes me happy. I hate to go to bed not knowing if he is home or not. 

Onyx is cracking me up with wanting to hang out by the chickens while they eat. I hope she is too smart to try to grab one while they are all together. 

I found interesting that Mattie was standing there watching the other 4 donkeys today. Maybe he is ready to go to the big boy pasture. 

I saw a black widow up close and personal today. I found it creepy. I was nervous to kill her, but I know Ronnie 
will when he sees her in the well house. 

Spam was a funny little pig tonight. I was not paying attention to her like she wanted so she came over and acted like she was going to bite me. She didn’t bite me but she knew how to get my attention so I gave her some belly rubs. 

Word of the day is better. Matthew 12:40

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