Thursday, March 23, 2023

March 23

I’m so glad it’s Thursday. I’m so ready for the weekend. However, we are working outside on the farm anyway this weekend. We even have several people coming to help. That’s exciting for me. Ronnie and I have discovered, we cannot do everything ourselves, so having help is amazing. I’m truly grateful. 

It’s has been seen today and not by me that Yeller is a killer. He killed a bunny apparently. Ronnie saw him, thank goodness I did not. 

Jeb’s nose does look better. It’s still not great, but it looks like it is healing. 

The sheep are acting better today, but Ronnie is going to give both of them some medicine anyway. They still are not acting normal, so we cannot be too careful. 

Noma is getting closer and closer. She is laying down more and more, so I take her food to her. I think she appreciates the help. 

The cows have learned their routine and now go into the pen without following me. 

Today was another warm day. Jelly was sleeping hard in the shop, but he was not responding to me like he normally does, so I picked him up and put him outside to get some air. He followed me right back to the shop. 

Gus and Spam really wanted attention tonight, so I gladly gave it to them. 

Darla and Pork chop were showing out with the water. They were glad there was a mud hole. 

The horses are still getting along well. Things are getting back to normal. Jeb is still one of them and Chief is not being as rude. 

Sonny is still roosting in the rafters and it makes me laugh every time I see him up there. 

Word of the day is help. Acts 20:35

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